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Football is a sport associated with heavy emotions like aspirations, expectations, passion, excitement and dedication. The basic lesson which any footballer should be taught is to support and encourage his fellow team members at all times. We, at BNMA Quantum Sports aim at developing a player’s life skills as we develop their football abilities by letting them recognise and solve challenges on their own and inculcate problem solving skills.
Basic football lessons like passing the ball before being tackled and always maintain positions are easy to preach than practice on ground. It is necessary to let the players make their mistakes and gain realisations. Only then they can go a long way only by understanding the principles of support and positioning.
Gaining confidence and empathy are two important areas which a player needs to nurture before he masters his dance with the ball. Team and individual development need to go hand in hand by rescuing a teammate every time he is attacked.
We promote excellence in life through sports.
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